Should you be interest and find yourself a best match for the following requirement. Please share your CV to
# Minimum 3 years experience in OpenText Command Center work flow management handling Exstream applications.
# Worked in Installation and Configuration of Command Center.
# Design complex Job description involving muti-pass Exstream engines.
# Build jobs with multiple complex steps consisting of external programs and Exstream engine run.
# Should have basic idea on scripting languages like Shell/Batch scriping, Perl, VB script etc.
# Run and Test jobs in Command center.
# Analyze the job run folder and track details from the log file.
# Know the details of Command center administration and other configuration level changes.
# Candidate write up Experience in OpenText Exstream tool doing template designs in Exstream version above 8.
# Experience in OpenText Command Center work flow management handling Exstream applications.
# Installation and Configuration of Command Center Design complex Job description involving muti-pass Exstream engines
# Build jobs with multiple complex steps consisting of external programs and Exstream engine run
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